Episode #55 – Going to Mass

In this episode Nick and Pat are joined by their friend Steve Nelson. They talk about how Pat and Steve are in Tulsa and after going through the 3 J’s, they all discuss reasons to go to Mass. During the conversation they try to fit in the lines “Don’t be chompin’ on a cheeseburger” and “where there’s a whip, there’s a way”.

In the news segment, they discuss how the Pope asks people to pray and how Bishop Tobin wrote an an open letter to Inactive Catholics for Christmas.

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“In Between Sundays” is podcast dedicated to today’s Christian young adults. The goal is to help you live in the world outside of church. We talk about life as a young adult and ways to grow in faith.


Bishop Tobin: An Open Letter to Inactive Catholics
Pope Urges Giving Mary the Gift of Prayer

Resources about Going to Mass
8 Reasons to Go to Mass
10 reason not to go to mass (and one really good reason why you should)
Go To Church from Busted Halo
Mass Class from Busted Halo

5 Replies to “Episode #55 – Going to Mass”

  1. Brian Ziegler

    I liked having your links in the show notes about things you mentioned. I would love the link to that bishops letter to inactive catholics.

  2. St. Timonious

    I’m struggling with the notion of authenticity in the Catholic church and religions in general… can you discuss how it’s just as important to be spiritual as it is to be religious, can faith get int the way of love? Can people put religious blinders on and run over each on the way to Church?

    consider the following…

    A man fell into a deep pit. He couldn’t get out. A man known for his subjectivity came by, looked down and said, “I feel for you.”
    Then a very objective man came, looked down into the put and said, “I can see how it happened.”
    A Pharisee came by and said, “What in the world did you do to deserve that?”
    A Christian Scientist came by and said, “You are not really in there, you just think you are.”
    An optimist came by and said, “It could be worse.” A pessimist came by and said, “It will get worse.” A charismatic came by and said, “Just confess and you’ll be out.” A devout Catholic came by and said, “I am praying for you.” Then Jesus came by and climbed down in the pit and got him out.”

    • Nick Padley

      Hmm… Good topic, I’ll see what I can do about putting a show together.

      I think you are getting spirituality and religion confused. I don’t see them as being different. In fact, I don’t think you can be spiritual without being religious – by that I mean that your faith should proceed from something. If not, then we aren’t any better off than Descartes – he couldn’t get past his own internal dialogue and as a result, we have an entire realm of philosophy where people have now intellectualized things and forgotten about the rest of the physical world. There’s a lot more to be said about this – so it could definitely be a show.

      As for your second part, the story about the man in the pit, I think the story is flawed. Too many people look to other people as their example of a particular religion, most notably the Catholic Church. The problem with the story is also the solution – Christ. All the others are imperfect people – there is a chance that they could have gone in and saved the person, but there was something in their imperfect human nature that blinded them to the actual solution.

      Part of being human is realizing that we are not God. Lacking that fact and the humility to realize it were what got Adam and Eve into trouble in the first place. Society tells us to be perfect, but I disagree – we can strive to rid imperfections from our lives but due to our fallen nature as humans, the only place we’ll ever see that task attained is in Heaven.

      • St. Timonious

        Then if only Heaven will make us whole, or if the Devil made us do it, then there is a plausible deniability to the man in the pit on my account. Why does Christ say that the Kingdom is within us? Isn’t it out there, or in the Catholic Church, don’t they *own* it, or was it *given* to them/us as a responsibility? Is the Church flawed and fallible because it’s members are not Christ or Christlike? If I more pay attention to the Church can that excuse my actions as a Christian.., shouldn’t it condemn them?. It sound’s funny, it would be like saying “I believe that the Earth is round, but I would never try to sail the whole ocean, because if I did, I know that I would fall off the side!” or that “Jesus tells me to do good, but I’m just going to go to Church instead, it’s far easier.” The funny thing is that this very attitude is acknowledged in the story of the good Samaritan, when the high priest passes the victim on the far side of the road. Do high priests pass on the other side? Is that what makes them a high priest?

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