Episode #8 – Suits and Sacraments

In this episode, we talk about our initial impressions of the Harry Potter movie. We did stay up late to see the premier showing at midnight. Along with our brief review, we invite our listeners to join us at the Nature’s Call campout at Lake Pomme de Terre over Labor Day weekend.

We continue our discussion about religion in the workplace and have two guests, Nick’s old roommate, Gerard and Steve Nelson from the On The U podcast. The discussion involves how to talk with people who present ideas about your faith that are wrong, praying in a public place and how to know if someone at work is interested in having a talk about faith.

In honor of our guests, we have a special edition of “Chick Flick or Horror Film,” and quiz our guests on three films. See if you can get all three identified correctly.

Lastly join our online discussion on our Facebook fan page.

Nota Bene: We did not get a chance to work in the “What’s my Line” suggestion. We will have it in the next episode.


On The U Podcast
Nature’s Call, Proof There is Camping in Heaven

3 Replies to “Episode #8 – Suits and Sacraments”

  1. Maria

    LOL, couldn’t let the movie from 50’s go, huh? I saw Moonstruck—good film.

    Anyway, glad to listen finally. I, too, find that talking about religion is best handled with charity and love. I’ve encountered a few vitriolic, ignorant people who have said very wrong things. My inclination is correct swiftly, but I have found that saying something like, “many people feel that way but the truth is…” and making the correction briefly, but firmly. Like Steve, I actually welcome the dialogue and if I can, counter with a gentle myth about their faith, just to get some discussion going.

    When we moved here, though, the family across the street, members of a faith down here in the south famous for detesting Catholics, asked us where we worshipped, and responded to our answer by collectively taking a step backward. I kid you not. If it wasn’t so hysterically funny, I’d have my feeling hurt, but there you have it. After that reaction, very little can be said to offend me.

    • Nick Padley

      Hey Maria,

      Thanks for the comment. We definitely appreciate having you as a listener!

      It’s very interesting to dialogue with people, especially if they are open to discussion. I’ve had a few experiences where I was confronted with some odd ideas by someone a little less receptive. We typically ended up agreeing to disagree and to pray for one another.

      The best thing that I have found is to tell the person that, while you may not see things exactly equal, that you can still pray for them and to ask them to pray for you. At least, that’s one of the best ways that I use in my own conversations with others.

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